So you’ve eagerly purchased your new halogen oven and now you’re drying to try out a recipe or two. The first thing to keep in mind is to avoid the temptation of throwing everything into the oven at the same time. It may seem irresistible, it may even seem like a good idea, but cooking with a halogen oven will require planning just as if you were doing more conventional cooking. The convenience and ease of use comes with the cooking time, not being able to skimp on ingredients or preparation.
So the first thing you’ll want to do is plan a menu. This will depends on different features in varying brands of halogen cooker. There are probably a multitude of meats you want to try but start with something simple – it will be delicious either way. Also think about portion size as a halogen oven is best used when serving two to three people. Larger meals are certainly doable but you may need more than just your halogen oven when you want to incorporate a lot of dishes. So if you want to stick to pure halogen cooking then plan a menu with one main meat, source and then some accompanying vegetables or sides that can be made in the oven as well.

With experience you will be able to plan all types of meals in your halogen cooker. Take into account your halogen oven may have varying levels and racks that you can use to great effect. You might be able to time one main meat, keep it warm in your conventional oven, and prepare a second main dish accordingly. The options are only limited by your imagination, and seasoned chefs will soon be able to incorporate halogen cooking in all types of ways that enhance their menus.